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Jai ARROW,  2eme ligne

Jai ARROW est un joueur de rugby australien. Il évolue à Rabbitohs au poste de 2eme ligne.Il est agé de 30 ans et est né le 07/12/1995. Il mesure 1 m 89 pour 95 kg.

Carrière  Palmarès Calendriers Classements

Info pratique  Pour avoir le detail des stats d'un joueur, cliquez sur le chiffre correspondant !
Pts J. Tit. E. P. Dp. Tr. Min.
24/25  South Sydney RabbitohsNRL XIII --------
07/03/2025South Sydney RabbitohsRedcliffe Dolphins16 - 1412-------
15/03/2025Saint George DragonsSouth Sydney Rabbitohs24 - 2512-------
22/03/2025Cronulla SharksSouth Sydney Rabbitohs27 - 1212-------
27/03/2025South Sydney RabbitohsPenrith Panthers28 - 1812-------
4 Matchs joués0000000
23/24  South Sydney RabbitohsNRL XIII 6----
03/03/2024Manly Sea EaglesSouth Sydney Rabbitohs36 - 2412-------
25/04/2024Melbourne StormSouth Sydney Rabbitohs54 - 2017-------
02/05/2024South Sydney RabbitohsPenrith Panthers12 - 4210----1--
11/05/2024Saint George DragonsSouth Sydney Rabbitohs28 - 1412-------
18/05/2024South Sydney RabbitohsNorth Queensland Cowboys22 - 2812-------
25/05/2024South Sydney RabbitohsParramatta Eels42 - 26121------
08/06/2024Gold Coast TitansSouth Sydney Rabbitohs12 - 4612---1---
14/06/2024South Sydney RabbitohsBrisbane Broncos22 - 1212-------
22/06/2024South Sydney RabbitohsManly Sea Eagles14 - 012-------
04/07/2024Parramatta EelsSouth Sydney Rabbitohs16 - 3212-------
11/07/2024Redcliffe DolphinsSouth Sydney Rabbitohs36 - 2812-------
11 Matchs joués1001100
22/23  Queensland MaroonsState Of Origin ---------
Migration de données en cours
  South Sydney RabbitohsNRL XIII --------
04/03/2023Cronulla SharksSouth Sydney Rabbitohs18 - 2712-------
13/04/2023Redcliffe DolphinsSouth Sydney Rabbitohs14 - 3614-------
20/04/2023South Sydney RabbitohsPenrith Panthers20 - 188-------
28/04/2023Brisbane BroncosSouth Sydney Rabbitohs6 - 3210-------
06/05/2023Melbourne StormSouth Sydney Rabbitohs12 - 2815-------
13/05/2023South Sydney RabbitohsWests Tigers20 - 014-------
19/05/2023South Sydney RabbitohsParramatta Eels16 - 3615-------
03/06/2023Gold Coast TitansSouth Sydney Rabbitohs28 - 4613-------
21/07/2023South Sydney RabbitohsBrisbane Broncos20 - 3612-------
28/07/2023Wests TigersSouth Sydney Rabbitohs18 - 328-------
05/08/2023South Sydney RabbitohsCronulla Sharks16 - 268-------
12/08/2023South Sydney RabbitohsSaint George Dragons26 - 148-------
20/08/2023Newcastle KnightsSouth Sydney Rabbitohs29 - 108-------
01/09/2023South Sydney RabbitohsSydney Roosters12 - 2614-------
14 Matchs joués0000000
21/22  Queensland MaroonsState Of Origin ---------
Migration de données en cours
  South Sydney RabbitohsNRL XIII 8------
11/03/2022Brisbane BroncosSouth Sydney Rabbitohs11 - 412-------
17/03/2022Melbourne StormSouth Sydney Rabbitohs15 - 1412-------
25/03/2022South Sydney RabbitohsSydney Roosters28 - 1612-------
01/04/2022Penrith PanthersSouth Sydney Rabbitohs26 - 1212-------
09/04/2022South Sydney RabbitohsSaint George Dragons24 - 1212-------
15/04/2022South Sydney RabbitohsCanterbury Bulldogs36 - 1612-------
23/04/2022Wests TigersSouth Sydney Rabbitohs23 - 2212-------
29/04/2022South Sydney RabbitohsManly Sea Eagles40 - 2212-------
05/05/2022South Sydney RabbitohsBrisbane Broncos12 - 3212-------
14/05/2022New Zealand WarriorsSouth Sydney Rabbitohs30 - 3213-------
22/05/2022South Sydney RabbitohsCanberra Raiders12 - 3213-------
28/05/2022South Sydney RabbitohsWests Tigers44 - 1812-------
11/06/2022Gold Coast TitansSouth Sydney Rabbitohs16 - 3012-------
16/06/2022Saint George DragonsSouth Sydney Rabbitohs32 - 1212-------
02/07/2022South Sydney RabbitohsParramatta Eels30 - 12121------
17/07/2022Canterbury BulldogsSouth Sydney Rabbitohs28 - 3612-------
23/07/2022South Sydney RabbitohsMelbourne Storm24 - 1212-------
30/07/2022Cronulla SharksSouth Sydney Rabbitohs21 - 2012-------
06/08/2022South Sydney RabbitohsNew Zealand Warriors48 - 1012-------
12/08/2022Parramatta EelsSouth Sydney Rabbitohs0 - 2612-------
18/08/2022South Sydney RabbitohsPenrith Panthers22 - 2612-------
27/08/2022South Sydney RabbitohsNorth Queensland Cowboys20 - 1012-------
02/09/2022Sydney RoostersSouth Sydney Rabbitohs26 - 1612-------
11/09/2022Sydney RoostersSouth Sydney Rabbitohs14 - 30121------
17/09/2022Cronulla SharksSouth Sydney Rabbitohs12 - 3812-------
24/09/2022Penrith PanthersSouth Sydney Rabbitohs32 - 1212-------
26 Matchs joués2000000
20/21  Queensland MaroonsState Of Origin --------
Migration de données en cours
  South Sydney RabbitohsNRL XIII 8------
11/03/2021Melbourne StormSouth Sydney Rabbitohs26 - 1817-------
20/03/2021Manly Sea EaglesSouth Sydney Rabbitohs12 - 2617-------
26/03/2021South Sydney RabbitohsSydney Roosters26 - 1617-------
02/04/2021Canterbury BulldogsSouth Sydney Rabbitohs0 - 3817-------
08/04/2021South Sydney RabbitohsBrisbane Broncos35 - 617-------
17/04/2021South Sydney RabbitohsWests Tigers18 - 1416-------
23/04/2021Gold Coast TitansSouth Sydney Rabbitohs30 - 4016-------
29/04/2021Canberra RaidersSouth Sydney Rabbitohs20 - 3410-------
06/05/2021South Sydney RabbitohsMelbourne Storm0 - 5013-------
15/05/2021Cronulla SharksSouth Sydney Rabbitohs22 - 32171------
23/05/2021South Sydney RabbitohsPenrith Panthers12 - 5616-------
29/05/2021South Sydney RabbitohsParramatta Eels38 - 208-------
17/06/2021Brisbane BroncosSouth Sydney Rabbitohs0 - 4612-------
04/07/2021Wests TigersSouth Sydney Rabbitohs22 - 3812-------
24/07/2021South Sydney RabbitohsNew Zealand Warriors60 - 2216-------
01/08/2021Saint George DragonsSouth Sydney Rabbitohs14 - 50131------
06/08/2021Parramatta EelsSouth Sydney Rabbitohs12 - 4012-------
14/08/2021South Sydney RabbitohsGold Coast Titans36 - 612-------
20/08/2021Penrith PanthersSouth Sydney Rabbitohs25 - 1212-------
27/08/2021Sydney RoostersSouth Sydney Rabbitohs12 - 5412-------
11/09/2021Penrith PanthersSouth Sydney Rabbitohs10 - 1616-------
24/09/2021South Sydney RabbitohsManly Sea Eagles36 - 1617-------
03/10/2021Penrith PanthersSouth Sydney Rabbitohs14 - 1217-------
23 Matchs joués2000000
19/20  Queensland MaroonsState Of Origin ---------
Migration de données en cours
  Gold Coast TitansNRL XIII --------
13/03/2020Canberra RaidersGold Coast Titans24 - 613-------
22/03/2020Gold Coast TitansParramatta Eels6 - 4613-------
29/05/2020North Queensland CowboysGold Coast Titans36 - 613-------
07/06/2020Gold Coast TitansWests Tigers28 - 2313-------
13/06/2020South Sydney RabbitohsGold Coast Titans32 - 1213-------
20/06/2020Gold Coast TitansSaint George Dragons8 - 2013-------
27/06/2020Brisbane BroncosGold Coast Titans12 - 3013-------
04/07/2020Gold Coast TitansCronulla Sharks10 - 4013-------
10/07/2020Gold Coast TitansNew Zealand Warriors16 - 1213-------
17/07/2020Melbourne StormGold Coast Titans42 - 613-------
26/07/2020Gold Coast TitansPenrith Panthers14 - 2213-------
01/08/2020Sydney RoostersGold Coast Titans18 - 1213-------
09/08/2020Gold Coast TitansNorth Queensland Cowboys30 - 1013-------
15/08/2020Cronulla SharksGold Coast Titans30 - 1813-------
05/09/2020Canterbury BulldogsGold Coast Titans14 - 1817-------
12/09/2020Gold Coast TitansBrisbane Broncos18 - 616-------
19/09/2020Manly Sea EaglesGold Coast Titans24 - 4215-------
25/09/2020Gold Coast TitansNewcastle Knights36 - 616-------
18 Matchs joués0000000
18/19  Queensland MaroonsState Of Origin --------
Migration de données en cours
  Gold Coast TitansNRL XIII 4------
17/03/2019Gold Coast TitansCanberra Raiders0 - 2113-------
23/03/2019Cronulla SharksGold Coast Titans20 - 613-------
31/03/2019South Sydney RabbitohsGold Coast Titans28 - 2013-------
05/04/2019New Zealand WarriorsGold Coast Titans26 - 1013-------
12/04/2019Gold Coast TitansPenrith Panthers30 - 2413-------
21/04/2019Gold Coast TitansNewcastle Knights38 - 1413-------
27/04/2019Wests TigersGold Coast Titans30 - 1413-------
03/05/2019North Queensland CowboysGold Coast Titans28 - 1413-------
09/05/2019Gold Coast TitansCronulla Sharks18 - 2413-------
18/05/2019Gold Coast TitansCanterbury Bulldogs16 - 2213-------
09/06/2019Brisbane BroncosGold Coast Titans18 - 2613-------
14/06/2019Gold Coast TitansNew Zealand Warriors20 - 2413-------
10/08/2019Saint George DragonsGold Coast Titans40 - 2813-------
16/08/2019Gold Coast TitansParramatta Eels12 - 3613-------
25/08/2019Melbourne StormGold Coast Titans24 - 810-------
31/08/2019Newcastle KnightsGold Coast Titans38 - 413-------
07/09/2019Gold Coast TitansSaint George Dragons16 - 24101------
17 Matchs joués1000000
17/18  Queensland MaroonsState Of Origin --------
Migration de données en cours
  Gold Coast TitansNRL XIII 12------
11/03/2018Gold Coast TitansCanberra Raiders30 - 288-------
17/03/2018New Zealand WarriorsGold Coast Titans20 - 87-------
25/03/2018Gold Coast TitansSaint George Dragons8 - 548-------
01/04/2018Brisbane BroncosGold Coast Titans14 - 2613-------
08/04/2018Gold Coast TitansManly Sea Eagles32 - 20134------
15/04/2018Penrith PanthersGold Coast Titans35 - 1213-------
21/04/2018North Queensland CowboysGold Coast Titans26 - 1413-------
28/04/2018Gold Coast TitansCronulla Sharks9 - 1013-------
05/05/2018Canberra RaidersGold Coast Titans32 - 1813-------
18/05/2018Gold Coast TitansNewcastle Knights33 - 2613-------
26/05/2018Sydney RoostersGold Coast Titans34 - 1413-------
08/06/2018Gold Coast TitansSouth Sydney Rabbitohs16 - 1813-------
16/06/2018Canterbury BulldogsGold Coast Titans10 - 3213-------
01/07/2018Wests TigersGold Coast Titans12 - 30132------
21/07/2018Newcastle KnightsGold Coast Titans30 - 2413-------
29/07/2018Gold Coast TitansNew Zealand Warriors36 - 1213-------
04/08/2018Parramatta EelsGold Coast Titans28 - 1213-------
11/08/2018Gold Coast TitansPenrith Panthers16 - 1713-------
17/08/2018Manly Sea EaglesGold Coast Titans34 - 4213-------
25/08/2018Gold Coast TitansMelbourne Storm8 - 1013-------
01/09/2018Gold Coast TitansNorth Queensland Cowboys26 - 3013-------
21 Matchs joués6000000
16/17  BroncosWorld Club Series ---------
Migration de données en cours
  BroncosNRL XIII --------
02/03/2017Cronulla SharksBroncos18 - 2617-------
10/03/2017BroncosCowboys20 - 2117-------
16/03/2017StormBroncos14 - 1216-------
24/03/2017BroncosRaiders13 - 1217-------
30/03/2017BulldogsBroncos10 - 717-------
27/05/2017WarriorsBroncos28 - 1012-------
15/07/2017KnightsBroncos22 - 3413-------
11/08/2017BroncosCronulla Sharks32 - 1016-------
18/08/2017BroncosSG Dragons24 - 1216-------
24/08/2017BroncosEels34 - 5216-------
08/09/2017RoostersBroncos24 - 2215-------
15/09/2017BroncosPanthers13 - 615-------
12 Matchs joués0000000
15/16  BroncosNRL XIII 4------
14/05/2016Sea EaglesBroncos6 - 3015-------
27/05/2016BroncosWests Tigers18 - 1914-------
16/07/2016RabbitohsBroncos10 - 3013-------
22/07/2016BroncosPanthers12 - 3116-------
28/07/2016RoostersBroncos32 - 168-------
04/08/2016SG DragonsBroncos8 - 1216-------
12/08/2016BroncosEels38 - 1616-------
18/08/2016BroncosBulldogs20 - 1016-------
26/08/2016StormBroncos16 - 26161------
01/09/2016BroncosRoosters24 - 1416-------
09/09/2016BroncosTitans44 - 2816-------
16/09/2016CowboysBroncos26 - 2016-------
12 Matchs joués1000000
Competition Pts J. Tit. E. P. Dp. Tr. Min.
NRL XIII4215811510--11--
State Of Origin-124-------
World Club Series-1--------
Club Pts J. Tit. E. P. Dp. Tr. Min.
South Sydney Rabbitohs2278595--11--
Queensland Maroons-124-------
Gold Coast Titans1656524------
Pts J. Tit. E. P. Dp. Tr. Min.
Info importante  Vous pouvez nous contacter pour corriger des données ou les compléter via notre adresse de contact en haut de la page



Championnat Australien de XIII - NRL XIII



CompétitionDateEquipe 1Equipe 2ScoreJoué
NRL XIII07/03/2025South Sydney RabbitohsRedcliffe Dolphins16 - 1412 (0 minutes)
NRL XIII15/03/2025Saint George DragonsSouth Sydney Rabbitohs24 - 2512 (0 minutes)
NRL XIII22/03/2025Cronulla SharksSouth Sydney Rabbitohs27 - 1212 (0 minutes)
NRL XIII27/03/2025South Sydney RabbitohsPenrith Panthers28 - 1812 (0 minutes)
NRL XIII04/04/2025South Sydney RabbitohsSydney Roosters-
NRL XIII12/04/2025South Sydney RabbitohsNorth Queensland Cowboys-
NRL XIII18/04/2025Canterbury BulldogsSouth Sydney Rabbitohs-
NRL XIII25/04/2025Melbourne StormSouth Sydney Rabbitohs-
NRL XIII03/05/2025South Sydney RabbitohsNewcastle Knights-
NRL XIII09/05/2025South Sydney RabbitohsBrisbane Broncos-
NRL XIII18/05/2025Wests TigersSouth Sydney Rabbitohs-
NRL XIII01/06/2025South Sydney RabbitohsNew Zealand Warriors-
NRL XIII08/06/2025Canberra RaidersSouth Sydney Rabbitohs-
NRL XIII15/06/2025South Sydney RabbitohsCanterbury Bulldogs-
NRL XIII21/06/2025South Sydney RabbitohsMelbourne Storm-
NRL XIII28/06/2025South Sydney RabbitohsRedcliffe Dolphins-
NRL XIII06/07/2025Manly Sea EaglesSouth Sydney Rabbitohs-
NRL XIII18/07/2025Penrith PanthersSouth Sydney Rabbitohs-
NRL XIII26/07/2025South Sydney RabbitohsCronulla Sharks-
NRL XIII01/08/2025Brisbane BroncosSouth Sydney Rabbitohs-
NRL XIII10/08/2025Gold Coast TitansSouth Sydney Rabbitohs-
NRL XIII16/08/2025South Sydney RabbitohsParramatta Eels-
NRL XIII21/08/2025South Sydney RabbitohsSaint George Dragons-
NRL XIII05/09/2025Sydney RoostersSouth Sydney Rabbitohs-


1Canterbury Bulldogs 4840010458
2Manly Sea Eagles 4630112472
3Brisbane Broncos 4630111874
4New Zealand Warriors 463018476
5South Sydney Rabbitohs 463018183
6Melbourne Storm 342019456
7Wests Tigers 442029460
8Gold Coast Titans 342018058
9Cronulla Sharks 442029172
10Newcastle Knights 342014246
11Canberra Raiders 4420294100
12Saint George Dragons 321025861
13Penrith Panthers 42103102118
14North Queensland Cowboys 4210370124
15Sydney Roosters 4210370126
16Redcliffe Dolphins 400045692
17Parramatta Eels 4000444130

   Qualification phase finale , 

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