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James ROBERTS,  Arrière

James ROBERTS est un joueur de rugby australien au poste de arrière.Il est né le 03/03/1993. Il mesure 1 m 78 pour 80 kg.

Carrière  Palmarès Calendriers Classements

Info pratique  Pour avoir le detail des stats d'un joueur, cliquez sur le chiffre correspondant !
Pts J. Tit. E. P. Dp. Tr. Min.
21/22  Wests TigersNRL XIII --------
12/03/2022Wests TigersMelbourne Storm16 - 263-------
20/03/2022Newcastle KnightsWests Tigers26 - 43-------
31/03/2022Gold Coast TitansWests Tigers8 - 63-------
18/04/2022Parramatta EelsWests Tigers20 - 213-------
03/07/2022New Zealand WarriorsWests Tigers22 - 04-------
13/08/2022Wests TigersCronulla Sharks12 - 363-------
6 Matchs joués0000000
20/21  Wests TigersNRL XIII 12------
14/03/2021Canberra RaidersWests Tigers30 - 123-------
28/03/2021Newcastle KnightsWests Tigers20 - 244-------
05/04/2021Wests TigersParramatta Eels22 - 364-------
11/04/2021Wests TigersNorth Queensland Cowboys30 - 343-------
17/04/2021South Sydney RabbitohsWests Tigers18 - 143-------
25/04/2021Wests TigersManly Sea Eagles6 - 403-------
28/05/2021Wests TigersSaint George Dragons34 - 1852------
04/06/2021Wests TigersPenrith Panthers26 - 65-------
13/06/2021Parramatta EelsWests Tigers40 - 1251------
19/06/2021Melbourne StormWests Tigers66 - 164-------
04/07/2021Wests TigersSouth Sydney Rabbitohs22 - 383-------
11 Matchs joués3000000
19/20  South Sydney RabbitohsNRL XIII 4-----
14/03/2020South Sydney RabbitohsCronulla Sharks22 - 183----1--
20/03/2020Brisbane BroncosSouth Sydney Rabbitohs22 - 183-------
25/06/2020Penrith PanthersSouth Sydney Rabbitohs20 - 1217----1--
05/07/2020Canterbury BulldogsSouth Sydney Rabbitohs10 - 264-------
10/07/2020South Sydney RabbitohsWests Tigers18 - 1041------
18/07/2020South Sydney RabbitohsNewcastle Knights18 - 203-------
6 Matchs joués1000200
18/19  South Sydney RabbitohsNRL XIII 4-----
07/06/2019South Sydney RabbitohsNewcastle Knights12 - 2031------
15/06/2019South Sydney RabbitohsPenrith Panthers18 - 193-------
27/06/2019Wests TigersSouth Sydney Rabbitohs14 - 93-------
13/07/2019South Sydney RabbitohsManly Sea Eagles21 - 203-------
20/07/2019North Queensland CowboysSouth Sydney Rabbitohs18 - 303-------
26/07/2019South Sydney RabbitohsSaint George Dragons20 - 163-------
03/08/2019Cronulla SharksSouth Sydney Rabbitohs39 - 243-------
11/08/2019South Sydney RabbitohsMelbourne Storm16 - 263-------
17/08/2019South Sydney RabbitohsCanterbury Bulldogs6 - 143-------
23/08/2019Brisbane BroncosSouth Sydney Rabbitohs20 - 223----1--
13/09/2019Sydney RoostersSouth Sydney Rabbitohs30 - 63-------
20/09/2019South Sydney RabbitohsManly Sea Eagles34 - 263-------
12 Matchs joués1000100
  Brisbane BroncosNRL XIII 16------
14/03/2019Melbourne StormBrisbane Broncos22 - 123-------
22/03/2019Brisbane BroncosNorth Queensland Cowboys29 - 1032------
28/03/2019Brisbane BroncosSaint George Dragons24 - 2531------
21/04/2019Canberra RaidersBrisbane Broncos26 - 2217-------
27/04/2019Brisbane BroncosCronulla Sharks29 - 631------
02/05/2019South Sydney RabbitohsBrisbane Broncos38 - 63-------
6 Matchs joués4000000
17/18  New South Wales BluesState Of Origin -------
Migration de données en cours
  Brisbane BroncosNRL XIII 36------
08/03/2018SG DragonsBrisbane Broncos34 - 1234------
16/03/2018Brisbane BroncosNorth Queensland Cowboys24 - 203-------
23/03/2018Wests TigersBrisbane Broncos7 - 93-------
01/04/2018Brisbane BroncosGold Coast Titans14 - 263-------
07/04/2018Newcastle KnightsBrisbane Broncos15 - 103-------
14/04/2018New Zealand WarriorsBrisbane Broncos18 - 273-------
20/04/2018Brisbane BroncosMelbourne Storm20 - 3432------
26/04/2018South Sydney RabbitohsBrisbane Broncos20 - 2432------
03/05/2018Brisbane BroncosCanterbury Bulldogs22 - 203-------
12/05/2018Manly Sea EaglesBrisbane Broncos38 - 243-------
18/05/2018Brisbane BroncosSydney Roosters28 - 2232------
24/05/2018Brisbane BroncosParramatta Eels18 - 1032------
16/06/2018Cronulla SharksBrisbane Broncos16 - 203-------
30/06/2018Brisbane BroncosCanberra Raiders26 - 223-------
20/07/2018Brisbane BroncosPenrith Panthers50 - 1832------
26/07/2018Brisbane BroncosCronulla Sharks12 - 103-------
02/08/2018Canterbury BulldogsBrisbane Broncos36 - 223-------
09/08/2018North Queensland CowboysBrisbane Broncos34 - 3032------
16/08/2018Brisbane BroncosSouth Sydney Rabbitohs38 - 183-------
25/08/2018Sydney RoostersBrisbane Broncos8 - 223-------
02/09/2018Brisbane BroncosManly Sea Eagles48 - 1632------
09/09/2018Brisbane BroncosSaint George Dragons18 - 463-------
22 Matchs joués18000000
16/17  BroncosWorld Club Series 4------
Migration de données en cours
  BroncosNRL XIII 72------
02/03/2017Cronulla SharksBroncos18 - 2631------
10/03/2017BroncosCowboys20 - 2131------
16/03/2017StormBroncos14 - 1231------
24/03/2017BroncosRaiders13 - 123-------
30/03/2017BulldogsBroncos10 - 73-------
06/04/2017BroncosRoosters32 - 831------
14/04/2017BroncosTitans24 - 2233------
21/04/2017RabbitohsBroncos24 - 253-------
27/04/2017BroncosPanthers32 - 1831------
19/05/2017BroncosWests Tigers36 - 03-------
27/05/2017WarriorsBroncos28 - 1092------
03/06/2017RoostersBroncos18 - 163-------
09/06/2017BroncosRabbitohs24 - 183-------
24/06/2017RaidersBroncos20 - 303-------
30/06/2017BroncosStorm12 - 423-------
15/07/2017KnightsBroncos22 - 3431------
20/07/2017BroncosBulldogs42 - 1232------
28/07/2017EelsBroncos28 - 1431------
05/08/2017TitansBroncos0 - 5431------
11/08/2017BroncosCronulla Sharks32 - 103-------
18/08/2017BroncosSG Dragons24 - 123-------
24/08/2017BroncosEels34 - 523-------
31/08/2017CowboysBroncos10 - 2031------
08/09/2017RoostersBroncos24 - 2231------
15/09/2017BroncosPanthers13 - 631------
22/09/2017StormBroncos30 - 03-------
26 Matchs joués18000000
15/16  BroncosNRL XIII 36------
03/03/2016EelsBroncos4 - 174-------
11/03/2016BroncosWarriors25 - 104-------
19/03/2016PanthersBroncos23 - 224-------
25/03/2016BroncosCowboys21 - 2041------
01/04/2016TitansBroncos16 - 2441------
07/04/2016BroncosSG Dragons26 - 04-------
16/04/2016BroncosKnights53 - 04-------
22/04/2016BroncosRabbitohs30 - 84-------
01/05/2016Cronulla SharksBroncos30 - 2841------
14/05/2016Sea EaglesBroncos6 - 304-------
20/05/2016CowboysBroncos19 - 184-------
27/05/2016BroncosWests Tigers18 - 1941------
04/06/2016WarriorsBroncos36 - 184-------
09/06/2016BroncosRaiders26 - 184-------
25/06/2016BulldogsBroncos40 - 1441------
01/07/2016BroncosStorm6 - 4841------
16/07/2016RabbitohsBroncos10 - 3041------
22/07/2016BroncosPanthers12 - 3141------
28/07/2016RoostersBroncos32 - 164-------
04/08/2016SG DragonsBroncos8 - 124-------
12/08/2016BroncosEels38 - 164-------
18/08/2016BroncosBulldogs20 - 104-------
26/08/2016StormBroncos16 - 264-------
01/09/2016BroncosRoosters24 - 1441------
09/09/2016BroncosTitans44 - 284-------
25 Matchs joués9000000
  BroncosWorld Club Series 4------
Migration de données en cours
14/15  TitansNRL XIII 66-----
07/03/2015TitansWests Tigers18 - 1932------
14/03/2015PanthersTitans40 - 03-------
22/03/2015TitansKnights18 - 203-------
28/03/2015Cronulla SharksTitans22 - 2432------
03/04/2015TitansBroncos16 - 263-------
11/04/2015EelsTitans16 - 3833------
18/04/2015TitansPanthers32 - 631------
25/04/2015WarriorsTitans28 - 3231------
09/05/2015RaidersTitans56 - 163-------
16/05/2015TitansCronulla Sharks22 - 233-------
30/05/2015TitansRabbitohs16 - 2231------
05/06/2015Wests TigersTitans20 - 2731------
14/06/2015TitansBulldogs28 - 1432------
20/06/2015TitansWarriors14 - 3631------
28/06/2015RoostersTitans20 - 103---1---
13/07/2015TitansSea Eagles6 - 383-------
18/07/2015KnightsTitans30 - 23-------
24/07/2015BroncosTitans34 - 03-------
02/08/2015TitansEels24 - 1431------
09/08/2015StormTitans36 - 143-------
16/08/2015BulldogsTitans36 - 1431------
23/08/2015TitansRaiders28 - 123-------
30/08/2015TitansSG Dragons28 - 263-------
05/09/2015CowboysTitans42 - 123-------
24 Matchs joués16001000
13/14  TitansNRL XIII 20------
16/06/2014TitansStorm20 - 2441------
22/06/2014TitansSG Dragons18 - 194-------
07/07/2014RabbitohsTitans10 - 143-------
13/07/2014TitansRaiders20 - 3631------
20/07/2014KnightsTitans8 - 2231------
26/07/2014TitansEels18 - 2441------
02/08/2014CowboysTitans28 - 83-------
11/08/2014RoostersTitans26 - 184-------
17/08/2014TitansSea Eagles12 - 1531------
24/08/2014SG DragonsTitans34 - 64-------
30/08/2014WarriorsTitans42 - 03-------
07/09/2014TitansBulldogs19 - 183-------
12 Matchs joués5000000
12/13  PanthersNRL XIII 24------
25/05/2013SG DragonsPanthers0 - 1917-------
29/06/2013PanthersSG Dragons25 - 1021------
06/07/2013TitansPanthers18 - 4023------
13/07/2013EelsPanthers10 - 172-------
21/07/2013PanthersKnights14 - 322-------
28/07/2013Cronulla SharksPanthers38 - 1022------
6 Matchs joués6000000
10/11  RabbitohsNRL XIII 20------
Migration de données en cours
Competition Pts J. Tit. E. P. Dp. Tr. Min.
NRL XIII31016616377--13--
State Of Origin-33----1--
World Club Series8222------
Club Pts J. Tit. E. P. Dp. Tr. Min.
Wests Tigers1217173------
New South Wales Blues-33----1--
Pts J. Tit. E. P. Dp. Tr. Min.
Info importante  Vous pouvez nous contacter pour corriger des données ou les compléter via notre adresse de contact en haut de la page



Championnat Australien de XIII - State Of Origin

2018New South Wales BluesVainqueur


CompétitionDateEquipe 1Equipe 2ScoreJoué
NRL XIII12/03/2022Wests TigersMelbourne Storm16 - 263 (0 minutes)
NRL XIII20/03/2022Newcastle KnightsWests Tigers26 - 43 (0 minutes)
NRL XIII25/03/2022Wests TigersNew Zealand Warriors12 - 16-
NRL XIII31/03/2022Gold Coast TitansWests Tigers8 - 63 (0 minutes)
NRL XIII10/04/2022Cronulla SharksWests Tigers30 - 4-
NRL XIII18/04/2022Parramatta EelsWests Tigers20 - 213 (0 minutes)
NRL XIII23/04/2022Wests TigersSouth Sydney Rabbitohs23 - 22-
NRL XIII01/05/2022Saint George DragonsWests Tigers12 - 6-
NRL XIII07/05/2022Manly Sea EaglesWests Tigers36 - 22-
NRL XIII15/05/2022Wests TigersNorth Queensland Cowboys12 - 36-
NRL XIII20/05/2022Wests TigersCanterbury Bulldogs36 - 22-
NRL XIII28/05/2022South Sydney RabbitohsWests Tigers44 - 18-
NRL XIII12/06/2022Wests TigersManly Sea Eagles4 - 30-
NRL XIII19/06/2022Canterbury BulldogsWests Tigers36 - 12-
NRL XIII03/07/2022New Zealand WarriorsWests Tigers22 - 04 (0 minutes)
NRL XIII09/07/2022Wests TigersParramatta Eels20 - 28-
NRL XIII17/07/2022Wests TigersPenrith Panthers16 - 18-
NRL XIII24/07/2022North Queensland CowboysWests Tigers27 - 26-
NRL XIII30/07/2022Brisbane BroncosWests Tigers18 - 32-
NRL XIII07/08/2022Wests TigersNewcastle Knights10 - 14-
NRL XIII13/08/2022Wests TigersCronulla Sharks12 - 363 (0 minutes)
NRL XIII20/08/2022Sydney RoostersWests Tigers72 - 6-
NRL XIII28/08/2022Wests TigersSaint George Dragons22 - 24-
NRL XIII04/09/2022Wests TigersCanberra Raiders10 - 56-


1Penrith Panthers 24402004636326
2Cronulla Sharks 24361806573364
3North Queensland Cowboys 24341707633361
4Parramatta Eels 24321608608489
5Melbourne Storm 24301509657410
6Sydney Roosters 24301509635434
7South Sydney Rabbitohs 242814010604474
8Canberra Raiders 242814010524461
9Brisbane Broncos 242613011514550
10Saint George Dragons 242412012469569
11Manly Sea Eagles 24189015490595
12Canterbury Bulldogs 24147017383575
13Gold Coast Titans 24126018455660
14New Zealand Warriors 24126018408698
15Newcastle Knights 24126018368662
16Wests Tigers 2484020350679

   Qualification phase finale , 

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